Essays on alcohol abuse promote alcohol to gain the attention of the potential brothers. Dysfunctional families and sociocultural play a major role in becoming and alcoholic, as well, so does psychological issues, essays on alcohol abuse. Pages: 12 Words: Research Paper. To this end, a certain seaman and his son die due to alcohol abuse. Drinking in excess also leads to the increased domestic violence, greater number of injuries and deaths at homes. The role alcohol plays in violence is a major factor to discuss. Alcohol Abuse, Outline Example Outline.
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Paper Types. This Research Paper was written by one of our professional writers, essays on alcohol abuse. You are essays on alcohol abuse to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work, essays on alcohol abuse. It is a well-known fact that alcohol abuse is a serious disease associated with intense drinking of alcoholic beverages and neglecting its negative consequences. Very often alcohol abuse is described as something like an alcoholic dependence, but there is a definite difference between these two forms of addiction. Although it is much easier to treat alcohol abuse than alcohol dependence, it is still a huge problem.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Analysis states that each year more thandeaths in the United States of America are caused by the excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol is also a cause of thousands of innocent deaths each years, essays on alcohol abuse, it is one of the major reasons for domestic violence and violent crimes. As Saisan reports very often people start drinking to mask their depression, grief, essays on alcohol abuse, anxiety or loneliness, or drinking may become the only way for them to feel comfortable and relaxed, and to feel themselves connected to other people. Another negative aspect of drinking alcohol is that many societies and cultures dictate it in one way or another. The most dangerous thing is that people continue to consume alcohol in excess despite knowing all the social, personal and legal problems that alcohol abuse is causing them.
Another for-alcohol aspect is that some experts and doctors state that alcohol consumption may help to burn calories. Whatever food items a person eats alcohol will break it down. Moderate drinking is defined as one or two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women and those over A drink is a ounce bottle or can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1, essays on alcohol abuse. But what people do forget is that eventually untreated alcohol abuse leads to alcohol dependence which is much more difficult to cure. According to the Institute of Essays on alcohol abuse Studies, a person is considered to be dependent on alcohol when one have experienced three or more of the following symptoms during a year, essays on alcohol abuse. During different periods of their lifecycles all people can be in the risk zone of starting abusing alcohol, but still there are several groups of people who are more likely than others to have problems with alcohol.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism one in three people will become hooked on alcohol at some point in their lives, and only one-quarter of people with a problem will essays on alcohol abuse treated. Another point that people, especially women, essays on alcohol abuse, like to use in order to justify their sometimes excessive consumption of alcohol is that it lowers cancer risks. Alcohol abuse has negative consequences for single individuals as well as for the society in general. The main negative aspect of alcohol abuse is first of all health problems that it causes.
There is a number of both long-term and short-term effects of alcohol on the organism of a person. Short-term problems are easier to treat, but eventually they may turn into much more serious diseases. As alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system its excessive consumption may lead to a loss of inhibition. It also results in the loss of balance, blurred vision, vomiting, slurred speech and nausea. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism also provides information that drinking too much alcohol at one time may result in unconsciousness, coma and even death.
Long-term effects include:. Alcohol abuse can also cause muscle disease, infertility, sexual and skin problems; erectile dysfunction. Excessive drinking also leads to a number of psychological problems. Although in short-term alcohol may help people to relax, in a long run it can lead to increase of anxiety and eventually to depression. It also causes sleeping problems, mood-swings and may lead to suicides. But even more disastrous are the ways in which alcohol abuse affects families and family lives. It is stated by psychologists and sociologists that very often essays on alcohol abuse abuse results in the child abuse and neglect. Alcohol abuse of one of the family members causes huge emotional and psychological stress to other members of the family.
Especially sensitive in this case are children, who may not understand what is happening with their parents, or who may come to the conclusion that drinking too much is a norm of living. Drinking in excess also leads to the increased domestic violence, greater number of injuries and deaths at homes. Another major issue is alcohol and pregnancy. Women who drink heavily during pregnancy are at risk of having babies with a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome. This can result in growth deficiencies, nervous system problems, essays on alcohol abuse intelligence, essays on alcohol abuse, and facial abnormalities in the child National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
For example, Leigh found in his research that heavy beer use is strongly correlated with the fatality rates within occupations and industries But drinking among workers not only threatens public safety, it also results essays on alcohol abuse costly medical, social and other problems both for the employees and for the employers. Problems with jobs cause even greater stress for the family. Other family members may find themselves in the situation when they have to work more in order to make financial ends meet. Problems with alcohol in the USA start from drinking alcohol as a way of entertainment among teenagers and college essays on alcohol abuse, it leads to the increase of deaths from the impaired drivers, and the ultimate result is the general degradation of the American nation.
The consequences of drinking among college students include missing classes, not studying for the test, failing courses, altercations with other people. But the most serious issue in this case is that many college students drive cars while being under the influence of alcohol. It was found that alcohol kills 6 ½ times more youth than all other illicit drugs combined. And all this leads to the general degradation of our population. For many people especially for youth to go to the party or club and get drunk is more interesting and exiting than to go to some kind of a gallery, performance, or simply to watch a movie or read a book. Eventually alcohol abuse leads to the increased dropout rates, to the inability of students to find a job after college or school graduation, or to poor job performance if they will manage to obtain a job.
Another aspect is that students who abuse alcohol are in the great risk of being involved in all sorts of crimes and high risk sexual behaviors. In such a way the amount of single mothers and abandoned children increases as well. First of all, because many people do drink reasonably and good alcohol adds certain level of pleasure to their lives, and therefore it is not right to punish the majority for the actions of minority. And secondly, essays on alcohol abuse, total prohibition of alcohol consumption will lead to the increased desire to drink as it was observed in the USA in the s — s. Plus alcohol prohibition may encourage people to experiment with other drugs that may be much more dangerous than alcohol.
The solution that I can propose in such a situation is to increase the awareness of the population not only about the negative consequences of alcoholism, but of alcohol abuse as well. People should come to the understanding of the true meaning of moderate drinking. Another way to decrease alcohol consumption rates is to punish people more severely for all the illegal actions done under the influence of alcohol. Many people find a lot of for-drinking arguments, covering excessive alcohol consumption by such reasons as improving health, relaxing and lowering risks of getting certain types of diseases, but in any case people should remember that eventually alcohol abuse may turn into an alcoholism, essays on alcohol abuse, which is a chronic and progressive disease, and it may become fatal in not treated in time.
Eventually alcohol abuse affects the American nation as a whole, making it weaker, less productive and culturally degraded. Leigh, Paul J. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism NIAAA. Heath, Dwight B. Formichelli, essays on alcohol abuse, L. CNN Health. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now. It's pleasure to stay in touch! Show all. Paper Types Movie Review Essay Admission Essay Annotated Bibliography Application Essay Article Critique Article Review Article Writing Assessment Book Review Business Plan Business Proposal Capstone Project Case Study Coursework Cover Letter Creative Essay Dissertation Dissertation - Abstract Dissertation - Conclusion Dissertation - Discussion Dissertation - Hypothesis Dissertation - Introduction Dissertation - Literature Dissertation - Methodology Dissertation - Results GCSE Coursework Grant Proposal Interview Lab Report Marketing Plan Multiple Choice Quiz Quiz Personal Statement Poem Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation With Speaker Notes Questionnaire Reaction Paper Research Paper Research Proposal Speech SWOT analysis Term Paper Thesis Paper Online Quiz Resume Outline Literature Review Movie Analysis Statistics problem Math Problem Article.
Get a Free E-Book! Alcohol Abuse, Research Paper Example. Pages: 8 Words: Research Paper. Need a custom Research Paper written for you? HIRE A WRITER! A strong urge to drink, difficulty controlling how much they drink, or difficulty stopping. Physical withdrawal symptoms, such as sweating, shaking, essays on alcohol abuse, agitation and nausea when they try to reduce drinking. A growing tolerance to alcohol — essays on alcohol abuse larger quantities to get the same essays on alcohol abuse. Gradual neglect of other activities. Persistent drinking even though it is obviously causing harm.
Long-term effects include: high blood pressure that can lead essays on alcohol abuse stroke; hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver; heart failure; damage to the brain; neurological problems such as epilepsy; other neurological problems, such as confusion, numbness and problems with memory; birth defects; gastritis inflammation to the stomach lining and pancreatitis inflammation to the pancreas ; different types of cancer, including mouth, lung and throat. References Leigh, Paul J. Stuck with your Research Paper? Get in touch with one of our experts for instant help! Messenger Live chat. Tags: High School Medicine and Health MLA. Alcohol Abuse, Outline Example Outline. Get instant essay writing help!
It's a Free, No-Obligation Inquiry! Your Email. Typically, essays on alcohol abuse, ancillary services are either diagnostic or therapeutic and are very [ Pages: 5 Words: Research Paper. View full sample. The Role of Culture, Language, and Ethics in Global Business, Research Paper Example A Personal Journey of Identity This personal journey of exploring the cultural identity that is the underpinnings of this life that is mine is about [ Pages: 6 Words: Research Paper.
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It is a well-known fact that alcohol abuse is a serious disease associated with intense drinking of alcoholic beverages and neglecting its negative consequences. Very often alcohol abuse is described as something like an alcoholic dependence, but there is a definite difference between these two forms of addiction. Although it is much easier to treat alcohol abuse than alcohol dependence, it is still a huge problem. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Analysis states that each year more than , deaths in the United States of America are caused by the excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol is also a cause of thousands of innocent deaths each years, it is one of the major reasons for domestic violence and violent crimes.
As Saisan reports very often people start drinking to mask their depression, grief, anxiety or loneliness, or drinking may become the only way for them to feel comfortable and relaxed, and to feel themselves connected to other people. Another negative aspect of drinking alcohol is that many societies and cultures dictate it in one way or another. The most dangerous thing is that people continue to consume alcohol in excess despite knowing all the social, personal and legal problems that alcohol abuse is causing them. Another for-alcohol aspect is that some experts and doctors state that alcohol consumption may help to burn calories. Whatever food items a person eats alcohol will break it down.
Moderate drinking is defined as one or two drinks a day for men and one drink a day for women and those over A drink is a ounce bottle or can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1. But what people do forget is that eventually untreated alcohol abuse leads to alcohol dependence which is much more difficult to cure. According to the Institute of Alcohol Studies, a person is considered to be dependent on alcohol when one have experienced three or more of the following symptoms during a year. During different periods of their lifecycles all people can be in the risk zone of starting abusing alcohol, but still there are several groups of people who are more likely than others to have problems with alcohol.
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism one in three people will become hooked on alcohol at some point in their lives, and only one-quarter of people with a problem will get treated. Another point that people, especially women, like to use in order to justify their sometimes excessive consumption of alcohol is that it lowers cancer risks. Alcohol abuse has negative consequences for single individuals as well as for the society in general. The main negative aspect of alcohol abuse is first of all health problems that it causes. There is a number of both long-term and short-term effects of alcohol on the organism of a person. Short-term problems are easier to treat, but eventually they may turn into much more serious diseases.
As alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system its excessive consumption may lead to a loss of inhibition. It also results in the loss of balance, blurred vision, vomiting, slurred speech and nausea. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism also provides information that drinking too much alcohol at one time may result in unconsciousness, coma and even death. Long-term effects include:. Alcohol abuse can also cause muscle disease, infertility, sexual and skin problems; erectile dysfunction.
Excessive drinking also leads to a number of psychological problems. Although in short-term alcohol may help people to relax, in a long run it can lead to increase of anxiety and eventually to depression. It also causes sleeping problems, mood-swings and may lead to suicides. But even more disastrous are the ways in which alcohol abuse affects families and family lives. It is stated by psychologists and sociologists that very often alcohol abuse results in the child abuse and neglect. Alcohol abuse of one of the family members causes huge emotional and psychological stress to other members of the family. Especially sensitive in this case are children, who may not understand what is happening with their parents, or who may come to the conclusion that drinking too much is a norm of living.
Drinking in excess also leads to the increased domestic violence, greater number of injuries and deaths at homes. Another major issue is alcohol and pregnancy. Women who drink heavily during pregnancy are at risk of having babies with a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome. Alcohol abuse i s known as a pattern of drinking marked by occasional loss of control over drinki ng but usually does not include symptoms of physical dependence. The most severe form of alcohol abuse is alcohol dependence. The issue i n teenagers is that they are often more open to influences in their environment and sometimes do not think about the consequences of their behavior. This essay aims to examine peer expectations and behavior and the family environment as key contributing factors to alcohol abuse i n teenagers, and then assess two effects, alcohol- related aggression and violence and the impact on their brain.
Perhaps the most important causes of alcohol abuse in teenagers are peer expectations and behaviour. It seems that the use and abuse of alcohol within teenager groups are guided by social standards of the clique. This view is suppported by Lee et al. They claim that adolescent's. STUD E NT MODEL ESSAY association with the use of alcohol and delinquent fellows are the most solid peer predictor. Therefore, there is general agreement that peers have a large impact on the individual within the group regarding the abuse of alcohol. Another important cause of alcohol abuse in adolescence is the family environment. Depression should always be treated by a professional not by self-medicating with alcohol. And to add on to the problems of homelessness, mental health and poverty, alcohol is promoted more in poorer neighborhoods that the wealthier.
So, what does that mean? It means that the people with lower income are more likely to drink more and the people with mental health issues are more likely to self-medicate. Alcoholism comes with many factors for the cause of the disease. Dysfunctional families and sociocultural play a major role in becoming and alcoholic, as well, so does psychological issues. The genetics plays a major role, knowing this will defiantly help prevent the disease. It is the alcohol abuse and addiction that is dangerous to society. the advertising for drinking is glorified today, therefore people do not drink in moderation on college campus, the game and at parties.
It is not alcohol that needs to be band but the people who choose to use, need to drink in moderation. Need a custom essay on the same topic?
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