Journal of Family History. The Texas constitution is the legal framework within which the government works, and it impacts on the everyday life of Texan as much as the U, essay about the constitution. It is worth noting, however, as increasingly institutions which have been taken for granted in the United States as legitimate are being questioned, such as the Electoral College or the fairness of the voting process. References "Equal protection. As Sayre points out, it was a time in which the Age of Enlightenment was giving way to the Age of Romance. This is intended to be a brief outline of steps to be taken and requirements essay about the constitution must be met to adequately and legally start recruiting for the new office which is set to be opening in our neighboring state of Louisiana.
Similarities Between The Constitution And The Texas Constitution
Essay about the constitution use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. An Opinion on The Interpretation of The Constitution words 5 Pages. Question 1 The Framers of the Constitution chose a Federal system for several reasons. Possibly, the most justified reason would be that the framers knew that there would be threats posed to individuals freedom. As we all know, federalism includes that national and state governments The Constitution of the United States established our government and the laws we have today, and also promised basic rights for its citizens.
Indelegates from twelve states met together to try and come up with something to make the Articles of Confederation stronger The Constitution helps keep our country in order in many ways. It has laws to keep us safe, it gives of the freedom of speech, and all of our basic rights. We also have to keep our government in balance. Due to the constitution, we This is intended to be a brief outline of steps to be taken and requirements that must be met to adequately and legally start recruiting for the new office which is set to be opening in our neighboring state of Louisiana. Recruiting Process A needs Constitution United States. When it comes to parliamentarians and their decision making in parliament, foundational studies into the issue have been made resulting in a number of findings and issues for open debates.
Citizens delegate the representation of their political preferences to members of Parliament MPswho are Constitution Political Party, essay about the constitution. There has been another source called custom, however custom Constitution England. In this essay I will be discussing one major change that was introduced by the Care Act which was the way adults were safeguarded. Adult Constitution. This essay argues various aspects of constitutional and contract law. This discussion continues in four sections. The first section explains the nature of constitutional law including its originations, by what rights are laws made, and who interprets the laws. A discussion of seminal constitutional and Constitution Contract Law. Laws essay about the constitution been around for hundreds of years and without them the U.
S and other countries would be chaotic. There are changes constantly being made to improve current laws India has an extremely detailed and well-defined legal system in place. Numerous laws have been enacted and implemented and the foremost amongst them is the Constitution of India. We have inter alia, amongst others, the Indian Penal Code, the Indian Evidence Actthe Reserve Constitution India. This is an effective way for the state, when choosing the most acceptable method of Constitution Court. The Constitution works essay about the constitution of the balance between the three branches of the government, and the amendments that can change the Constitution.
The three branches of the constitution are the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches. These branches are kept equal to power by checks and The dispute is about Shahida taking legal action against the art gallery for selling her a wrong piece of painting, due One of the main difficulties the courts have faced is whether or not they have the supremacy to declare domestic Constitution United Kingdom. History of Hong Kong The history of Hong Kong is a very interesting and unique one. However, due to the limited scope of this paper, only a brief overview will be provided. From toessay about the constitution, Hong Kong was a British colony, essay about the constitution.
Firstly, Britain gained Constitution Economy Hong Kong. The idea of Rule of Law is one of the integral building blocks of a Modern democratic society. Furthermore, the laws are made for the welfare of the people to maintain peace and harmony between the conflicting forces in society. Moreover, one of the prime Civil Law Constitution Society. The United Kingdom written law is known as statute law, also identified as legislation. These laws are created and implemented by Parliament and enforced by various authorities. This assignment has the objective to give a better explanation of statutory interpretation and the methodologies associated with Rule of Law has always been championed as one of the building blocks essay about the constitution which the modern society rests.
Constitution Malaysia. Although there have been debates around the world regarding the Nature of the UK constitution and its success and failure in the modern world, we all can see and understand that UK has a unique system of governance which is termed as uncodified constitution. British Constitution Constitution Constitutional Conventions. American Constitution Constitution Constitutional Conventions. At the hour of the production of the Constitution, the issue of slavery had been put off and maintained a strategic distance from, a choice that would later prompt the debate presently known as the American Civil War. The composition, which was at one time American Government Compromise of Constitution.
The first Amendment is one of many that the country of the United States of America follows. Amendment Constitution First Amendment. The difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution is that the Articles of Confederation lasted from They were also replaced with a more informed government that gave them power for the federal government. Articles of Confederation Constitution. They are the foundation of liberty and justice in this country, and a light that shines for all who seek freedom, fairness, equality, and dignity American Values Constitution Values, essay about the constitution.
The challenges associated with imposed and fractured constitutionalism could be solved by adopting transformative constitutionalism. Klareviews transformative objective constitutionalism as a meaningful change in constitutional settings, culture and attitude; that is, practical change in terms of progressive realisation of democracy and rights on Constitution Equality South Africa. If the West Indian States are truly to progress from colonialism to sovereignty, then there has to be recognition that their constitution now generates their own authority rather than deriving it from any Westminster model or colonial past. The Westminster system was a system used Common Law Constitution India. The essay about the constitution past has seen a rise in the number of rape cases around the world, although some countries hardly witnessed a rise in rape cases; some countries have seen a very drastic rise, this is causing fear and unrest in societies ; mostly faced Constitution Marriage Rape.
Since the beginning of modern American history, scholars have gone back and forth about whether politics, economics, morals, or religious bigotry motivated the nineteenth century attack on the Mormon Church. Overall it appears to point to a single conclusion; all of these sects were motivated Conflict Constitution Polygamy. Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Child Abuse Essays Domestic Violence Essays Drunk Driving Essays Marijuana Legalization Essays Rape Essays Distracted Driving Essays War on Drugs Essays Justice Essays Rape Culture Essays Community Essay about the constitution Essays. Top 10 Similar Topics Criminal Law Business Law Legal Drinking Age Tort Law Restorative Justice American Criminal Justice System Title Ix Employment Law Smoking Ban Alien and Sedition Acts.
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Constitution Court. The Constitution works because of the balance between the three branches of the government, and the amendments that can change the Constitution. The three branches of the constitution are the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches. These branches are kept equal to power by checks and The dispute is about Shahida taking legal action against the art gallery for selling her a wrong piece of painting, due One of the main difficulties the courts have faced is whether or not they have the supremacy to declare domestic Constitution United Kingdom. History of Hong Kong The history of Hong Kong is a very interesting and unique one. However, due to the limited scope of this paper, only a brief overview will be provided.
From to , Hong Kong was a British colony. Firstly, Britain gained Constitution Economy Hong Kong. The idea of Rule of Law is one of the integral building blocks of a Modern democratic society. Furthermore, the laws are made for the welfare of the people to maintain peace and harmony between the conflicting forces in society. Moreover, one of the prime Civil Law Constitution Society. The United Kingdom written law is known as statute law, also identified as legislation. These laws are created and implemented by Parliament and enforced by various authorities. This assignment has the objective to give a better explanation of statutory interpretation and the methodologies associated with Rule of Law has always been championed as one of the building blocks on which the modern society rests.
Constitution Malaysia. Although there have been debates around the world regarding the Nature of the UK constitution and its success and failure in the modern world, we all can see and understand that UK has a unique system of governance which is termed as uncodified constitution. British Constitution Constitution Constitutional Conventions. American Constitution Constitution Constitutional Conventions. At the hour of the production of the Constitution, the issue of slavery had been put off and maintained a strategic distance from, a choice that would later prompt the debate presently known as the American Civil War. The composition, which was at one time American Government Compromise of Constitution. The first Amendment is one of many that the country of the United States of America follows.
Amendment Constitution First Amendment. The difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution is that the Articles of Confederation lasted from Will gay marriage be allowed by Buddhists in Thailand? Craig, A. Clearly homophobia is at the heart of blanket opposition to gay rights policies. The politics of same-sex marriage. Chicago; University of Chicago Press. Kuefler, M. The Marriage Revolution in Late Antiquity. Journal of Family History. Vol 32 : -- Most of which are relating back to upholding or changing previous Court decisions and Civil ights legislation, regarding the way it is upheld today in specific cases. One case in particular, Gomez-Perez v. Potter, is a case which deals with the Age Discrimination in Employment Act ADEA and what employers can do to protect themselves against former employees suing them for breach of this code.
The ADEA states that employers cannot in any way retaliate former employees who are now seeking legal action, if the were wrongfully terminated, Okamura, This case in particular, deals with a year-old employee who is suing her employers at the United States Postal Service for not granting her a transfer request because of what she is deeming age discrimination. Modern day Civil ights cases seem to be cases questioning earlier Civil ights litigation and decisions, rather than the cases of the 's and 's…. References Harris, Samantha. February 14, Okamura, Angela. The Preamble to the Constitution establishes the tone of the remainder of the document, underscoring the most important feature of a government that is empowered by the will of the people.
With the simple but all-important first person plural pronoun, the framers begin with a resounding sense of what it takes to create a government that is inclusive and collaborative. Is the Constitution Still Relevant? No—What Matters is Who Has the Power to Decide What the Constitution Means The Constitution is relevant when people want it to be, and irrelevant when they do not want it to be. For instance, everyone become a Constitutionalist when he starts arguing that habeas corpus Article I , due process 5th and 14th Amendments and freedom of speech 1st Amendment are important. But at other times people argue that gun rights 2nd Amendment should be overturned and arms confiscated and banned, or that safety should come before the right to privacy 3rd, 4th and 5th Amendments.
Thus, people are generally torn about what parts of the Constitution are relevant and what parts are not. Typically, when it comes to themselves, they want the protections of the Constitution—so if they feel that society poses a threat to themselves, they generally want the right to bear arms. This is different from the concept of legality. Rather, constitutional legitimacy refers to how the legitimacy of laws are derived. In stark contrast to many European systems of government because the US does not even have a figurehead of a monarch , the people, states, and the democratic process itself supports the legitimacy of the constitution. It is worth noting, however, as increasingly institutions which have been taken for granted in the United States as legitimate are being questioned, such as the Electoral College or the fairness of the voting process.
References Barnett, R. Constitutional legitimacy. Columbia Law Review, Are constitutions legitimate? Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, The Supreme Court is too powerful and antidemocratic. One of the more recent cases of this is with respect to the creation of the Super Political Action Committee PAC. In the news article by Samuelson it is shown how the Supreme Court is muddling the Constitution by allowing the formation of Super PACs, which rather than serving as an affirmation of First Amendment rights are actually more of a stifling of those rights—yet the Courts…. References Blockburger v. United States. Vermont Senate votes to remove all slavery references from state Constitution. Cheers to the 21st Amendment! Any study of gun violence should include how guns save lives.
At Best, The FBI Misled The Court To Wiretap Trump Campaign, FISA Application Shows. The National Archives In the National Archives can be found the U. Constitution ratified in after fierce debate between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, opposed the loose Confederation that existed following the War for Independence. The Federalists wanted to ensure that a central or federal government would exist that could help to regulate commerce and issue currency. The Anti-Federalists, led by men like Patrick Henry, saw a central government as leading in the same direction to tyranny like that which they just fought a war against. As Sayre points out, it was a time in which the Age of Enlightenment was giving way to the Age of Romance.
The French Revolution was about to get underway in Paris, and the enforcement of ideals and even the deification of Reason would soon be taking place in a bloody manner. The Constitution was meant…. References Sayre, H. Discovering the humanities 2nd ed. Thesis: This paper will described the evolution of the rights of the accused and show how the concept changed from its initial inception in early America to its current conception in the 21st century. Introduction The rights of the accused in the modern West stem from the rights of man, propagated by Thomas Paine in shortly after the War for American Independence was won. This concept was born out of the Enlightenment philosophy of the day, which was itself a radical response to the Old World concepts of human order, society, hierarchy, and human nature.
References Black, H. The bill of rights. NyUL Rev. Brennan Jr, W. The Bill of Rights and the States: The Revival of State Constitutions as Guardians of Individual Rights. NYUL Rev. Brewer v. The Civil War. NY: Random House. Halbert, S. The Suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus by President Lincoln. The American Journal of Legal History, 2 2 , Jefferson, T. Thomas Jefferson to Virginia Delegates to the Continental Congress, August A Summary View of the Rights of British America; Instructions. Habeas corpus in the states: The University of Chicago Law Review, 32 2 , Powell v. Sandefur, states that liberal originalism is relevant to a historical analysis of the Constitution because it is also relevant today as a method of interpreting the Constitution.
Like original-ism in general, the liberal view is incompatible with attempts to use government to accomplish "social justice" or other ends inconsistent with the principles of individual liberty and limited government reflected in the Declaration. Therefore, the answer to the question is that the Constitution attempts to fulfill it by giving clarification and support to what the document is saying. This gives added guidance in constructing laws and principles for citizens to live by and guide the law of the land. eferences Sandefur, T. Liberal Originalism: A Past for the Future. Harvard Journal of Law…. References Sandefur, T. Constitution of the United States was a highly important and significant document that was adopted on September 17, , and ratified by conventions.
Eleven states participated in the ratification, and the Constitution officially went into effect on March 4, The Constitution of the United States is important for many reasons, including keeping order and law and guaranteeing basic freedoms for the American people. Without the Constitution, it would be much easier for lawmakers to make changes that might not have value to the people of the country and that could cause them harm by taking away some or all of the rights that they have come to expect. Overall, the U. Constitution is a document that can be changed and adjusted but that does include guarantees for specific rights that will not be lost even if those changes and adjustments are made.
Constitution was written by Governor…. Bibliography Bailyn, Bernard, ed. The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle for Ratification. Part One: September to February NY: The Library of America. Garvey, John H. Modern Constitutional Theory: A Reader 5th ed. NY: Penguin. Mason, Alpheus Thomas and Donald Grier Stephenson, ed. American Constitutional Law: Introductory Essays and Selected Cases 14th Edition. Constitution Cafe, Jefferson's Brew a True Revolution Constitution Cafe: Jefferson's Brew for a True Revolution discusses the reasons for and possibilities of regularly reviewing and rewriting the U. Following Thomas Jefferson, the author believes that the document is flexible and should be regularly rewritten by common citizens.
Phillips explored this possibility in interviews and discussions with many individuals and groups throughout the United States. In addition, Phillips offers his own suggestions. While the basic idea is admirable, the results are mixed. Christopher Phillips' Constitution Cafe: Jefferson's Brew for a True Revolution explores the idea of American citizens reviewing and rewriting the U. Phillips discusses the ideas of James Madison, who participated in writing the U. S Constitution, and of Thomas Jefferson, who did not participate in writing the U. Constitution but was still one of the most influential Founding Fathers of our nation. Phillips especially explores Jefferson's idea…. However, the doctrine of "states' rights," also stemming from the Constitution, encouraged the southern states to believe that they could deal with their Negro residents as they chose, as only slavery had been specifically banned.
They began imposing more and more restrictive rules on their lack residents. The Ku Klux Klan formed after the federally managed "Reconstruction" ended. The KKK terrorized lacks who violated the views of the local Whites regarding how lacks should behave and conduct themselves. At the end of the 19th century, in the ruling Plessy vs. Ferguson p. This ruling justified all sorts of horrific practices, including segregated schools, which were separate but often not equal. Typically these schools did not have libraries, and typically the textbooks were outdated…. Bibliography PBS, no date. html Russell, Thomas D.. University of Denver College of Law. Constitution provides depicts what is necessary to amend the Constitution. Either two-thirds of both Houses of the Congress, or an application by the legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, can call for a convention proposing amendments to the constitution.
Ratification requires that the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states or Constitutional conventions in three-fourths of the states approving the ratification of those amendments. herefore, the Founding Fathers simultaneously ensured that the Constitution would be a living document, while also taking steps to preserve the Constitution and make it somewhat invulnerable to the changing whims of people. he Founding Fathers appear to have had some trepidation about the idea of changing the Constitution. After all, the Constitution was the result of literally years of debate.
It was not the first document to govern the former colonies after gaining independence from Great Britain, and the first system proved untenable. Texas v. Johnson In Texas v. Johnson, the Court took a significant, but very controversial, step to protect the freedom of speech in the United States. The underlying facts of the case are problematic for many people, and the case made it clear that First Amendment guarantees are meaningless unless they protect those whose views are repugnant to the majority of Americans. Gregory Johnson participated in a political demonstration during the Republican National Convention in Dallas.
During that demonstration, he poured kerosene on and burned a stolen United States flag. He was charged with and convicted of desecration of a venerated object, a Texas statute aimed at preventing just such actions. Johnson's position was that burning the flag was symbolic speech and that, as such, it had First Amendment protections. The State of Texas' position was that it had an interest in preserving the flag as a symbol of national unity and maintaining order, and that both of those interests were more important than Johnson's free speech rights. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals agreed with Johnson's position and overturned his conviction. The State of Texas then asked for the Supreme Court to review the case.
The Court agreed with the reasoning of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. First, it concluded that burning the flag constituted expressive conduct, which made it symbolic speech and brought it under the protection of the First Amendment. The protection of free speech is not limited to the spoken or written word, and the Court had a history of protecting symbolic speech. While determining whether an activity is considered speech may be fact-specific, the facts in the case made it clear that Johnson burned the flag as an act of communication. Moreover, it was an act of political communication, and political speech receives one of the highest degrees of protection under the First Amendment.
Texas' desire to create a feeling of unity among its citizens was not a compelling state interest, and burning the flag did not create any type of danger. Therefore, Johnson's activity was protected. Of course, the irony is that, had he been in another country, he would not have had the freedom to protest the country in the same manner that he had in the United States. In the same manner, the importance of apology is similarly tied to humility and the capacity of humbling yourself. This is also one of the reasons an apology generally comes together with a deep bow in which the person recognizes his or her mistake. On the other hand, Japanese obsession for quality definitely has its roots in the Japanese obsession for perfection.
Ever since its creation by gods, Japan was seen by its inhabitants as being a privileged, perfect nation. Such a nation could only produce, in its turn, perfect products. In modern times, this tendency to continuously strive for perfection was translated into the need for constantly high quality on all production. Additionally, this is also tied to the sense of duty that goes back to the samurai and warrior tradition. As such, while working for your company, you can only give it your very best and the sentiment…. Bibliography 1. Sugimoto, Yoshio. An Introduction to Japanese Society, Cambridge University Press. De Mente, Boye Lafayette. Japan's Secret Weapon: The Kata Factor The Cultural Programming That Made the Japanese a Superior People.
Phoenix Books, Henshall, Kenneth G. A History of Japan: From Stone Age to Superpower, Second Edition. Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd edition. Constitution The United States of America is a democracy, a form of government which is supposed to be controlled by the people of this country. It is not a true democracy where the people vote on every issue, but a representational democracy the citizens vote for other people who will be responsible for the running of the nation as well as for the creation and passing of most laws. On the federal level, the functions of the government are broken into parts, each responsible for different functions.
The separation of powers as written in the Constitution is designed so that each branch can give their attention to the functions of their branch and also prevents any of the branches from becoming too powerful which would then lead to the destruction of the democracy…. Works Cited Barrett, T. Senate rejects expanded gun background checks. The Struggle for Democracy. Madison, J. Federalist no. How can we trust physicians to weigh pros and cons of so many health decisions, but impose judicial authority upon them on end-of-life issues? Of course, opponents argue that this will be a slippery slope to allowing rampant assisted suicide.
However, with any freedom, there are always some limitations. Giving individuals freedom of speech has not created a 'slippery slope' where individuals can be slandered. Even regarding First Amendment free speech, there are limits upon citizens in terms of revealing state secrets or using speech as a weapon -- the example of calling 'fire' in a crowded theater comes to mind. There could be limits upon the circumstances to ensure physicians could not assist severely depressed or mentally incompetent individuals to commit suicide, for example. There are also practical considerations which the court does take into consideration when deciding many issues of social policy, as it did in Brown v. Works Cited The U.
Cornell Law School. May 11, html amendments. Constitution of the United States must be understood within the broader cultural, historical contexts in which it was drafted and ratified. The most basic explanation of the "original intent" of the Constitution is that the founders needed to formulate a cohesive and consistent system of governance and political culture after independence. The core issues at stake were Federalism vs. anti-Federalism, and the need to strike a balance between a federal government that was strong enough to oversee key economic, social, and political institutions and one that was kept in check by regional or state powers.
The social and economic diversity within individual states, and between the states, made the framing of the Constitution an arduous process. By the time the Constitutional Convention convened, it became apparent that the Articles of the Confederation were insufficient. There was no sense of nationhood with the Articles; no means by which to effectively unite…. Federal Election Commission. In this case, the United States Supreme Court held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting political independent expenditures by corporations, associations, or labor unions. Corporations aren't people. Only people are people. The United States District Court for the District of Columbia reversed a provision of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act BCRA prohibiting unions, corporations and not-for-profit organizations from broadcasting electioneering communications within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary election that held these actions violate the free speech clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Yet two-thirds of American small business owners say that Citizens United hurts their business, but only nine percent of the small businesses polled said that it was a…. FISA's initial purpose, as far back as in , was to make use of the FISA Court to try abuses from governmental agencies, which spied on citizens of the United States in the 70s Standler, Patriot Act: The Patriot Act enables investigators to make use of the already available tools to carry out investigations on drug trafficking and organized crime. A number of the tools made available by the Act for law enforcement agencies to wage war against terrorism have been in use in the fight against drug trafficking, organized crime, and terrorism….
Bibliography Authorization for Use of Military Force, Pub. Summary of the Geneva Conventions of and Their Additional Protocols. International Humanitarian Law, 1. Bazan, E. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: An Overview of the Statutory Framework and U. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and U. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review Decisions. CRS Report for Congress. Bradley, C. The Story of Ex-parte Milligan: Military Trials, Enemy Combatants, and Congressional Authorization. Constitution The effect that ever changing societal values have on the Supreme Court's interpretation of the U. Constitution Constitution represents the supreme law that directs political, social, cultural, and economic aspects of the nation.
All other laws must be in line with the constitution in order to be effective and efficient in their application. Social or societal values have continuous effects on the interpretation of the constitution. The main objective of the constitution is to protect the interest of the individuals in the society. This objective makes the constitution relevant to the societal values within the context of the United States of America. The societal values keep changing in the contemporary world thus resulting into…. References Epps, G.
Freedom of the press: The first amendment; its constitutional history and the contemporary debate. Amherst, N. Y: Prometheus. Vile, J. A companion to the United States Constitution and its amendments. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger. Epps, G. Democracy reborn: The Fourteenth Amendment and the fight for equal rights in post-Civil War America. New York: Henry Holt. Chemerinsky, E. Interpreting the constitution. New York u. The fourth, fifth and sixth articles state the responsibilities and duties of the government of the America and the seventh article outlines the…. Through this creation, a powerful nation, known as the Haudenosaunee, or known as to Europeans the Iroquois Nation, became an important part in the shaping of the Americas.
The creation of…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Constitution Essay. Constitution Essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Decent Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About Essays. Similarities Between The Constitution And The Texas Constitution Words 5 Pages. Similarities Between The Constitution And The Texas Constitution. Read More. The Constitution: The Purposes Of The Constitution Words 6 Pages.
The Constitution: The Purposes Of The Constitution. The Constitution And The Constitution Of The United States Constitution Words 5 Pages. The Constitution And The Constitution Of The United States Constitution. Constitution: Upholding The Constitution Words 2 Pages. Constitution: Upholding The Constitution. Framers Of The Constitution Essay Words 6 Pages. Framers Of The Constitution Essay. Constitution Vs Constitution Words 4 Pages. Constitution Vs Constitution. The Constitution: The Father Of The Constitution Words 6 Pages. The Constitution: The Father Of The Constitution. Moral Values In Ireland: The Constitution And The Constitution Words 8 Pages.
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