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Gay marriage essay

Gay marriage essay

Order now! The move to promote conceptive measures rendered nugatory and useless the belief that families should multiply here on earth. Do not waste time. If freedom and liberty is gay marriage essay expensive, gay marriage essay, then how can we afford to live in a democratic country? There are so many instances when these people have to suffer a lot on the grounds of their identity. Gay Marriage. Add More.

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Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Majority of the people are taking marriage as a goal in life since having a family is the most fulfilling role in this world. Marriage is a legal and social institution which covers the union of both male and female who voluntarily accept each other as husband or wife and build gay marriage essay family of their own. Marriage of both male and female is a legal and social institution that leads to one unit make-up which is the family as part of the society, gay marriage essay. Hence, the family is the smallest unit in the society that we belong. Although marriage is regarded as an essential institution in the society, it has been a subject of controversy due to suggestion on its modification which is referred to as same-sex marriage.

We Will Write a Custom Essay about Should Gay Marriage Be Gay marriage essay In that case, gay marriage essay, some groups or sectors in the society suggested that both females and or males as partners may enter into gay marriage essay covenant of marriage just like the union of both male and gay marriage essay. In this paper, the topic is focused on the question: should gay marriage be legalized? Spiritual matters and conservative ideas may oppose the legalization of gay marriage, what is primordial is that the freedom to choose what is right and wrong has been accorded to all human beings. Thus, conflicting ideas on matters pertaining to the legalization of gay marriage must be weighed down in the most equitable manner.

Essentially, there are three major arguments that support the position that gay marriage should be legalized and gay marriage essay include respect on individual rights, non-interference of the church in governance and respect on the ability of gays to raise a family. The basic opposition on these arguments is that gay marriage can destroy the sanctity of marriage and mock the importance of procreation, gay marriage essay. The Proposition on Gay MarriageFor the first argument, gay marriage should be legalized because gays have the rights to exercise and acquire liberty, gay marriage essay, freedom, and equality accorded in the fundamental law of the land and in the absence of damage or injury towards other people.

While it is true that gay marriage is outlawed in many parts of the United States, there are still government leaders in a few states that was able to successfully legalized gay marriages. The reason behind this fact is that people who believe on the principle of equality are increasing and that gays are humans too and not circus animals. It is easy for the people to speak about gay marriage essay like equal rights for homosexuals such that they should be given the same rights in housing, jobs, gay marriage essay, government benefits access, accommodations in public, gay marriage essay, and equal protection of the law, but when gay marriage is mentioned, gay marriage essay, there is an end of discussion Bidstrup 1.

Gay marriage is a less relevant topic that minimal discussion of the same is given thereby neglecting the needs of a few gay individuals. However, negligence in looking into the society deeply might be the reason why many families suffer from marital problems, gay marriage essay. Gays should be given a chance to express their feelings towards another man because they are humans too. Love is compared to a prism that has number of sides through gay marriage essay a spectrum of beautiful colors is refracted. Love is the basic reason why individuals marry each other, gay marriage essay. Love is wonderful and as such, all people are free to express the same. And what makes a person think that only individuals who are both male and female have the chance to love?

It is a selfish act to confine expression of love within a male-female relationship when gays are also entitled to do so when the law can be adjusted in its favor. People are raising this question: should gay gay marriage essay be legalized? This question arises because it is true that gay marriage is considered as not socially acceptable. People do not think that gay people should have the right to get married. They think that gays should be happy with the rights that are already given to them. But gay marriage essay public must be aware that gays are loyal to their mates and are monogamous being devoted partners Bidstrup 1.

In other words, it is not true that gays are promiscuous and are not able to form and build long lasting relationships. In addition, gays are also capable of building a family if ever married to another gay. Gays value family relationships and takes part in family activities as family life is a reflection of their uniqueness as human beings Bidstrup 1. Besides, gays honor and abide by the laws of the land just like other people in the society. The ability of gays to promote peace and self-reliance is noticeable and there is no reason that they could not perform the basic responsibilities to build a family. Moreover, there are countries outside the United States that legalized same-sex marriage for the reason that gays should be given equal rights as human beings.

In the yearDenmark legalized same-sex marriage while Israel did the same the next year Mathews 1. In the yearSweden followed suit Mathews 1, gay marriage essay. There is also an intensified debate about same sex unions in the United States for the past three years. Pro-gay advocates exist within the United States and it was their position that gay marriage gay marriage essay be allowed so as not to commit miscarriage of civil liberties Mathews 1. The disadvantage of preventing gay marriage to happen includes heartbreaking situations like disallowance to visit one another during illness and emergency situations. Gay marriage should be legalized so that a gay partner can have the same right in terms of adoption and medical rights. Adoption is the primary option given by gays with respect to their inability to procreate children Johnson 1.

Adoption is basically given as a right to married couples who want to expand the membership of their families. Since the absence of same sex marriage disallows gays to adopt a child, it would be a difficult situation for them to be denied a chance to care and love adopted children Crumley 1. We are aware that gays are also capable of nurturing children and the fact that there are gays who chose to marry a girl, gay marriage essay, taking care of an offspring is normal for them Belge 2. So then, gay marriage essay, is it not selfish to allow gays to adopt children and be legally married to their loved ones? I know that it is our responsibility to ponder on these things and support the legalization of gay marriage.

If not, we will surely fall prey to ignorance and negligence as we continue limit our understanding on what has been considered as usual and normal activities in the community where we live. Furthermore, the United States is the land of the free. It is a mockery to the spirit of the Constitution when limits to the right to marry would be continuously followed. The chance to be happy must be accorded to everyone if a wise interpretation of the fundamental law of the land is to be made, gay marriage essay. An option to marry and be a permanent partner to a gay individual must be accorded to everyone no matter what the gender may be.

It is useless to preach on equality and unconditional love when its expression is limited only to the majority, gay marriage essay. How about the gay couples? They are not male and females who entered into a wonderful relationship but they too knows how to love unconditionally. The redefinition of marriage is relevant nowadays Stewart 1. Is it not a problem that there are many families that are considered dysfunctional? These families have parents that male or female and children that gay marriage essay procreated by them. Why not give chances to gays who can adopt and gay marriage essay for a child? It is just a matter of open-mindedness and tolerance, after all the basic purpose of living life is to find happiness hence, the pursuit for happiness.

The family as a basic unit of society must include gay couples since we live in the land of the free, gay marriage essay. The essence of living freely is not finding anyone unable to express love and devotion to a marital partner despite the absence of damage or injury to other people. If freedom and liberty is too expensive, then how can we afford to live in a democratic country? Well, gay marriage must be legalized for all we know it could be an ingredient for a progressive and peaceful country. In addition, religion and the churches should not interfere with the government with respect to options in legalizing gay marriage. It is usual that when gay marriage gay marriage essay a topic, legal concerns would gay marriage essay into the surface.

However, gay marriage essay, we should realize that religious concerns also affect the choice of legalizing gay marriages Mags 1. While it is true that the three major religions in the world involving Islam, Judaism and Christianity have been opposed to same sex union, it is also acceptable a present time that many religious people no longer follow the traditional beliefs against same sex marriage. It is a surprise that the Jews, as well as some Christian nations support gay marriage Mags 1, gay marriage essay. In essence, the traditional religious views on same sex union are becoming weaker as more people opened their eyes to the advantages of gay marriage Mags 1.

Therefore, religious views against same sex marriage no longer holds true today for people who think twice about the necessity of gay marriage. According to proponents of same sex marriage, they already debunked the scriptural arguments on marriage such that they believe that it was misunderstood and taken out of context. It is acceptable that gays should be given the right to get married with another gay and at the same time prevent overpopulation as they cannot bear children, gay marriage essay. With that, gay marriage essay, twin matters are met, the promotion of equality and the avoidance of overpopulation. The move to promote conceptive measures rendered nugatory and useless the belief that families should multiply here on earth.

The Opposition on Gay Marriage However, gay marriage essay, there are opponents of gay marriage who provided strong arguments regarding the promiscuousness of same sex union. The primary gay marriage essay why gay marriage is not acceptable is religious belief, gay marriage essay. According to Packer, homosexual activity is a serious sin before the eyes of God Packer There is only a man and woman created by God, thus having a gender called gay and lesbian is not acceptable by religious standards, gay marriage essay. Marriage is designed for procreation which involves having children in the family. How can gay couple gay marriage essay their own children? The answer may be adoption, but the Biblical instruction is to be fruitful and multiply. It is becoming obvious that churches are more involve of issues that come before the legislature and the electorate.

The logic behind that is the protection of morality of which Churches believe to be important in religious responsibility. Morality is an issue that has been bombarded by many people since it can destroy their freedom to express feelings and emotions. In relation to gay marriage, it is immoral to marry a person that belongs to the same sex. In connection, there are issues in the legislature that calls for identification of whether such issue is under ethical standards or morality or on civil rights. Unfortunately, people gay marriage essay same sex marriage as a civil rights issue which churches want to correct, gay marriage essay, for it was gay marriage essay a civil rights issue but on morality of men. Therefore, it is not right to condemn the right of religious people to tackle issues and defend their side for doctrines and principles they preach and practice, gay marriage essay.

Those forces that undermine the moral fiber of the society are being fought against by religious people. These forces include the presence of gays and lesbians alike in the society. But since these people are also humans, churches invited them to repent of their wrong behavior and encourage them to change. Gay marriage undermines the social fiber of the society and if it is continued as an advocacy, numerous people would be attracted to its enticing words. What will happen to the youth which is the hope of our country?

Their character and morality would bend in favor of immoral acts and standards because we failed to prepare them and mold their character to become better persons. There are also many religious people who supported different groups that opposed issues related to morality and redefinition of marriage. Gay marriage is one issue wherein many religious people rally behind powerful interest groups just to prevent any gay marriage legalization. This means that many people are also becoming more concerned of the future and make sure that the strength of morality is being assured whatever the situation may be.

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Ostracizing and denying someone the right to marry because of their sexual orientation spreads negativity and it is discrimination. Therefore, they become a minority just because they are not allowed to get married. In reality, marriage is a human and civil right regardless of gender. Gay marriage does not impact the heterosexual communities, just like when racial integration did not have an effect on communities. Its concept is the same as legalizing gay marriage, and it is going to grant the LGBT a right that was immorally denied. It also lessens youth suicide because one of the reasons behind teen suicide are because of the bullying that happens because of their sexual orientation. The same level of acceptance will happen because of legalizing gay marriage will show them that it does not matter and society will still respect them.

The younger generations need an explanation that who they are is not a social defect, so they are not going to be tempted to take their lives just because they are gay. When gay marriage becomes legal, it creates joint ownership presumption accrued while they are married. It is not the case for unmarried couples, where their property is only presumed by the one who acquired it. Deciding on which of the presumption works for the couple, it can be helpful to decide if they want to get married or not. The death and taxes creates a legal framework to handle issues caused by death, whether if it is about the property, taxes or parental rights. To have these effects when the couple is unmarried, a lot of time and money will go to the establishment of a similar relationship due to contract.

In addition, there are things that cannot be created again because of the contract, like freedom from taxes and inheritance. Another thing to keep in mind is the transfer taxes in properties that married couples do not have, and only to married couples. It could mean moving assets cost less and very challenging for unmarried couples. It is a mockery to the spirit of the Constitution when limits to the right to marry would be continuously followed. The chance to be happy must be accorded to everyone if a wise interpretation of the fundamental law of the land is to be made. An option to marry and be a permanent partner to a gay individual must be accorded to everyone no matter what the gender may be. It is useless to preach on equality and unconditional love when its expression is limited only to the majority.

How about the gay couples? They are not male and females who entered into a wonderful relationship but they too knows how to love unconditionally. The redefinition of marriage is relevant nowadays Stewart 1. Is it not a problem that there are many families that are considered dysfunctional? These families have parents that male or female and children that are procreated by them. Why not give chances to gays who can adopt and care for a child? It is just a matter of open-mindedness and tolerance, after all the basic purpose of living life is to find happiness hence, the pursuit for happiness. The family as a basic unit of society must include gay couples since we live in the land of the free.

The essence of living freely is not finding anyone unable to express love and devotion to a marital partner despite the absence of damage or injury to other people. If freedom and liberty is too expensive, then how can we afford to live in a democratic country? Well, gay marriage must be legalized for all we know it could be an ingredient for a progressive and peaceful country. In addition, religion and the churches should not interfere with the government with respect to options in legalizing gay marriage. It is usual that when gay marriage is a topic, legal concerns would come into the surface. However, we should realize that religious concerns also affect the choice of legalizing gay marriages Mags 1.

While it is true that the three major religions in the world involving Islam, Judaism and Christianity have been opposed to same sex union, it is also acceptable a present time that many religious people no longer follow the traditional beliefs against same sex marriage. It is a surprise that the Jews, as well as some Christian nations support gay marriage Mags 1. In essence, the traditional religious views on same sex union are becoming weaker as more people opened their eyes to the advantages of gay marriage Mags 1. Therefore, religious views against same sex marriage no longer holds true today for people who think twice about the necessity of gay marriage. According to proponents of same sex marriage, they already debunked the scriptural arguments on marriage such that they believe that it was misunderstood and taken out of context.

It is acceptable that gays should be given the right to get married with another gay and at the same time prevent overpopulation as they cannot bear children. With that, twin matters are met, the promotion of equality and the avoidance of overpopulation. The move to promote conceptive measures rendered nugatory and useless the belief that families should multiply here on earth. The Opposition on Gay Marriage However, there are opponents of gay marriage who provided strong arguments regarding the promiscuousness of same sex union. The primary reason why gay marriage is not acceptable is religious belief. According to Packer, homosexual activity is a serious sin before the eyes of God Packer There is only a man and woman created by God, thus having a gender called gay and lesbian is not acceptable by religious standards.

Marriage is designed for procreation which involves having children in the family. How can gay couple have their own children? The answer may be adoption, but the Biblical instruction is to be fruitful and multiply. It is becoming obvious that churches are more involve of issues that come before the legislature and the electorate. The logic behind that is the protection of morality of which Churches believe to be important in religious responsibility. Morality is an issue that has been bombarded by many people since it can destroy their freedom to express feelings and emotions. In relation to gay marriage, it is immoral to marry a person that belongs to the same sex. In connection, there are issues in the legislature that calls for identification of whether such issue is under ethical standards or morality or on civil rights.

Unfortunately, people view same sex marriage as a civil rights issue which churches want to correct, for it was never a civil rights issue but on morality of men. Therefore, it is not right to condemn the right of religious people to tackle issues and defend their side for doctrines and principles they preach and practice. Those forces that undermine the moral fiber of the society are being fought against by religious people. These forces include the presence of gays and lesbians alike in the society. But since these people are also humans, churches invited them to repent of their wrong behavior and encourage them to change. Gay marriage undermines the social fiber of the society and if it is continued as an advocacy, numerous people would be attracted to its enticing words.

What will happen to the youth which is the hope of our country? Their character and morality would bend in favor of immoral acts and standards because we failed to prepare them and mold their character to become better persons. There are also many religious people who supported different groups that opposed issues related to morality and redefinition of marriage. Gay marriage is one issue wherein many religious people rally behind powerful interest groups just to prevent any gay marriage legalization. This means that many people are also becoming more concerned of the future and make sure that the strength of morality is being assured whatever the situation may be.

Religious organizations like Christians, Muslims and the Buddhists play a big role in keeping the sanctity of marriage intact in these days that temptations loom in every corner. Therefore, gay marriage can destroy the sanctity of marriage and must be eliminated in the society. Again, same sex marriage is not a civil right at all. It is a matter of morality as opposed to negligence of protecting the moral fiber of society. The people should not question the constitutional rights of churches to raise issues and concerns that matters most to their patrons. Remember that it is also the right of religious people to voice out their opinions. It is then the belief of religious organizations and its members who are against gay marriage that defending the sanctity of marriage through working to preserve traditional marriage lies clearly within religious and constitutional prerogatives.

Hence, we cannot blame churches why its members tried hard to oppose gay marriage that might destroy the faith that they gave to God. It is not true that churches condemn the presence of gays and lesbians Zoll 1. Religious people are simply compelled to speak out due to the principles and doctrines that they believed. Aside from that, the move of religious people to oppose same sex marriage should not be interpreted as justification for hatred, intolerance, or abuse of those who believe in homosexuality, either as a group or individually Packer What religious people do not like is gay marriage and not the presence of homosexuals.

Hence, these religious individuals do not condemn those who are lesbians and gays but only oppose the activities that might destroy the sacredness of marriage. The most active religious group that is against same sex marriage is the Catholic Church. The said church considers homosexuality as a sin and a disorder before the sight of God Zoll 1. The problem does not end here, further social outcast becomes the extreme step in which some senior citizens or the region takes a decision of social outcast in some countries. Of course, there are countries and people who are in support of this act of marriage between two people of the same gender.

But many of them are not willing to accept this reality as well. Some tips are given below that can help to reduce the atrocities that occur against gay couples in different societies of the world. This we can conclude the essay by saying that the legalization of gay marriages along with proper safeguards to protect their rights should be enacted by the government. It will be an act of saving the human rights of a person along with his personal freedom. It is always very crucial to human beings to live a life of their choice. If two people are happy with each other by getting tied into the bond of marriage, society and government should not have their interference in a negative way. Buy Customized Essay on Gay Marriage At Cheapest Price Order Now. This essay has discussed the topic of gay marriage and provided you with information about why it is important to legalize same-sex marriages.

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Enter Discount Code If You Have, Else Leave Blank. Table of Contents hide. Essay Example on Gay Marriage Thesis Statement of Gay Marriage Essay Introduction of Gay Marriage Essay Main Body of Gay Marriage Essay Problems That Gay Couples Face How to Override the Issue with a Great Deal Conclusion. Get Non-Plagiarized Custom Essay on Gay Marriage in USA.

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