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Ishmael essay

Ishmael essay

Because of this co-dependence, man's destructive ways are particularly frightening ishmael essay just for man, ishmael essay, but for all of life. Australia: Bible Society in Australia Incorporated. Much of Quinn's ultimate argument revolves around the importance of evolution. Works Cited Baeh, ishmael essay, I. This ritual traditionally occurs on the Sabbath following the child's thirteenth birthday…. The United States has been criticized in recent years for assuming an air of moral superiority and for trying to impose their opinions on the rest of the world. Home Page Ishmael.

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Ishmael The book Ishmael, which was written by Daniel Quinn, is an adventure for the human mind and for society as a whole. Throughout the book Quinn explores many factual scientific principals, ishmael essay, but the intent of the book is not to give one a lecture on science. The intentions of Quinn are to discuss and examine the beginnings and also the history of our ecologically dominating culture in which we live in, ishmael essay. In this book, Ishmael is a telepathic, highly educated gorilla who explores with his fifth.

A review of Ishmael In the past few centuries there have been a handful of books written that offer up ideas about humanity that are so completely new to a reader but are so completely convincing that they can force a reader to take a step back and assess all that they know to be true about their life and their purpose. When I began reading. Ishmael, the Sacrifice of Abraham Introduction The tragedy of strained relations between Islamic and Judeo-Christian countries is a part of everyday life. One need only pick up a newspaper or check the news story of the day via television, radio, or internet to learn of the latest violent attack by a suicide bomber or military retaliation on such an attack.

The terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by countries that are ishmael essay Islamic with ishmael essay counter attacks coming from a well-armed. The Message of Ishmael Quinn gains a unique perspective on humanity through the main character of the novel, Ishmael. Ishmael is a gorilla. And Ishmael is a teacher who communicates with humans telepathically. On the surface, this hardly seems to be a character who would appear in a serious book; more likely a children's story, a fable, or perhaps a bad science fiction novel, ishmael essay. Yet Ishmael is none of these, ishmael essay Ishmael is a strong character, with a powerful intellect and a serious purpose. The character. is abundant, we chop down rain forests, we kill our own kind, we steal, lie, and cheat, and the list could go on and on.

Daniel Quinn believes that this destruction comes from something more extreme than just the notion to survive. In his novel, Ishmael, Quinn believes that the problems facing humanity are do to man's knowledge of good and evil. Man's knowledge of good and evil gives us the power to rule the world any way we please. A God or Gods no longer have control. Once Adam, ishmael essay, who represents. Metamorphosis ishmael essay Ishmael in Moby Dick In Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Ishmael undergoes drastic changes in his personality and in the way he views life. Ishmael learns to accept people who are different and learns how to get along with people he never would of on land because of the way they look.

On land, the world's affairs are important but by taking a voyage on the Pequod, Ishmael learns to block out the importance of these affairs and free himself from the restraints put on him ishmael essay society, ishmael essay. Ishmael: Horrifying Among the people of your culture, which want to destroy the world? Which want to destroy it? As far as I know, no one specifically wants to destroy the world. And yet you do destroy it, each of you. Each of you contribute daily ishmael essay the destruction of the ishmael essay. This truth was stated by a gorilla named Ishmael who, through his experiences of being taken from the jungle, placed in a zoo in the 's, put in a menagerie, and bought by a private owner named Mr.

Sokolow, had all. The Lesson of Quinn's Ishmael There ishmael essay some books that you can just sit ishmael essay and enjoy, just let the authors words wash over you and, most importantly, ishmael essay, you don't have to think. And ishmael essay there's Daniel Quinn's Ishmael. The novel Ishmael, "an adventure of the mind and spirit," opens with a disillusioned and depressed man in search of a teacher, and not just any teacher. He wants someone to show him what life is all about. And so he finds Ishmael, a meiutic teacher one who acts as a midwife. and our family, not in our darkest nightmares we could imagine ourselves fighting in warfare. There are aboutchildren young as nine years old involved in ishmael essay conflicts all around the world today.

This problem is most common in Africa. Ishmael Beah was a boy soldier and now at the age of twenty-six tells a gripping story. At the age of twelve, he left his home and family because of the rebel attacks and wandered a land that kept him away from violence. At the age of thirteen he had become. In his novel Ishmael, Daniel Quinn discusses the destruction and salvation of the world. By way of a newspaper ad, an unnamed narrator meets a telepathic gorilla, named Ishmael, who had put up the ad to find a pupil with a desire to save the world. Ishmael claims humans of what are considered civilized cultures are captives of a story that keeps the world captive.

Home Ishmael essay Ishmael. Free Ishmael Essays and Papers, ishmael essay. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Satisfactory Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Good Essays. Ishmael Words 2 Pages. Ishmael, the Sacrifice of Abraham Words 12 Pages 5 Works Cited. Ishmael, the Sacrifice of Abraham, ishmael essay. The Message of Quinn's Ishmael Words 2 Pages. The Message of Quinn's Ishmael. Good and Evil in Quinn's Ishmael Words 2 Pages 1 Works Cited. Good and Evil in Quinn's Ishmael. Better Essays. Metamorphosis of Ishmael in Ishmael essay Dick Words 2 Pages. Metamorphosis of Ishmael in Moby Dick.

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family relationships essay

In more recent history, they have watched their women go to war as well. These soldiers are sons and daughters, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, and fathers and mothers. The families they leave behind are affected when someone goes to war. There is continual worry when a soldier is deployed; families worry for their soldier's safety and pray for his safe return. People go to war all over the world and the stress experienced by families is the same. There are no cultural or ethnic boundaries when it comes to the effects of war on a family. ar tears families apart and family life may never again be the same as….

Work Cited Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone. New York: Sarah Crichton Books. Kindle file. Danticat, Edwidge. New York: Soho Press. Eggers, Dave. What is the What? New York: Vintage. Pentateuch consists of the first five Books of the Bible. The Pentateuch is the same as what many people mean when they refer to the Torah, which is the first five books of the Tanakh. These books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. In both Jewish and Christian tradition, Moses is considered the author of most of the Pentateuch and the belief is that God dictated the books to Moses Fairfield, N.

However scholars generally agree that the books actually reflect compilations of earlier writings by various different authors. Taken together, the five books introduce the reader to God. They explain that God is the creator of the universe and everything in it, how the world has imperfections despite being a divine creation, God's unique relationship with man, and the beginnings of the special relationship between God and his chosen people Fairfield, N. The Pentateuch begins with Genesis. Works Cited Fairfield, Mary. Qu'an simila to and diffeent fom the Holy Bible? Give examples fom each wok to illustate thei similaities and diffeences The Qu'an is the holy book of Islam, the eligion established by Muhammad while the Holy Bible is the saced book of Chistianity.

Thee ae a numbe of ways in which the Qu'an is simila as well as dissimila to the Holy Bible. Fo states, both of them consist of chonicles, teachings, poety, and epimanding. Seveal chonicles encompass the simila basic occasions and individuals. The Qu'an and the Bible both teach the ceation of the wold by a distinct almighty, all-knowing God who commands human beings to follow the moality set out fo them. Fist of foemost, one of the key simila doctine is that God, efeed to as Allah in the Qu'an, and Yahweh in the Bible, is the only ceato of all things in the univese and whose…. references to elements in the sacred books as he points out the time of Adam's creation. In particular, Pico mirrors upon the fact that God, being the creator and artist of the universe, made the decision to make this being that is dissimilar to the other beasts, and who, as they emanate from the womb of their mother, have only one distinctive role to fulfill in this world.

Man, on the other hand, has been bequeathed grace, personality, and the ingenuity that comes straight out of his own Creator. This, in particular, is the free will to act in keeping with the directives of the heart, mind, and soul. Taking this into consideration, freedom is intrinsic and blessed by the Higher Power and it is an indication of God's distinctive love for humankind. However, Pico is keen to point out that freedom is not an assurance of happiness. Free will implies setting one's own objectives and thereby acting and operating in their own accord.

For this reason, with freedom comes about a great deal of far-reaching and significant responsibilities for the reason that at the end of the day, human beings set up their own destiny. The most significant thing is that all human beings have the similar right and freedom to be completely happy and have the sense of feeling blessed by their Maker. More so, with the understanding that there is good will and a comprehensive way to nurture the "being," self-determination and freedom will instigate miracles in every Tom, Dick, and Harry. For that reason, the free will bequeathed to us by God as a gift to all humankind can impel us to utilize our freedom for whatsoever we wish and desire.

Nonetheless, it is most beneficial and fruitful to make the most of the gift of free will for our own benefit, to grow into better persons and to at no given point, be unable to summon up our inimitable status as children of the "great Artisan," which is God. In accordance to Pico, a man is duty-bound to imitate the dignity and splendor of the angels by undertaking philosophy. More so, he asserts that a man, if he develops what is coherent and sensible, will disclose himself as a heavenly being. Furthermore, if he is intelligent, he will be an angel and the son of God. Pico proclaims that a philosopher is a living being of heaven and not of the earth. At the time when man exercises philosophy or moralizes, he climbs up the chain of being in the direction of the angels and close association with God.

However, on the other hand, if he fails to exercise philosophy and use his intellect, he starts to vegetate. The foundation and basis of this dignity lay in Pico's proclamation that only human beings were capable of changing themselves by means of their own free will, while all other alternation in nature were resultant of some external force operating on whatever it is that is cause to experience change. Pico made the observation that from the past account, philosophies and bodies were constantly in change, which made the capacity of man for self-transformation as the sole constant.

Point ONE: Billy Budd: Critic Eugene Goodheart is the Edythe Macy Professor of Humanities Emeritus at Brandeis University. He writes that while critics are generally divided between those who see Captain Vere as "an unwitting collaborator" with Claggart and those who feel Vere was correct to have Billy sent to the gallows. In his piece Goodheart explains that Billy is "…variously seen as Adam before the fall, as a noble barbarian, as Isaac the sacrificial victim…and as a Christ figure" Goodheart, , p. Point TO: Goodheart makes the most of his assertion that no matter what allegorical link to Billy, the protagonist is symbolic of innocence. hen Billy lashes out at Claggart, it is due to his innocence.

He is first of all innocent of the charge that he was leading a mutiny, Goodheart explains. Secondly, Billy is innocent when it comes to the existence of evil Goodheart, p. Works Cited Claviez, Thomas. Donoghue, Denis. The most egregious sins that can be committed by a Muslim include to deny the unity of God by ascribing divine status to any person or object. This sin is called shirk. Emphasizing the importance of shirk to Muslim morality, all iconography is strictly forbidden in Islam. Iconography in a mosque, the Muslim place of worship, would be akin to idol worship. The second major sin of Islam is kufr, or atheism.

The religious beliefs of Islam are based around a core set of tenets known as the Five Pillars. The first pillar is the Shahadah: there is only one God, and the prophet Mohammed is God's messenger. At the same time, Islam encourages respect of and unity with "all prophets" of God and "all revealed scriptures," p. The Second Pillar is prayer, five times a day. Ritual washing is also integral to Muslim prayer. When praying, the…. The Koran preaches that "the message of Abraham was the very same as Muhammad's, but it would become corrupted by the Jews" Kjeilen para.

In the Koran, Abraham is a messenger who teaches others about the Islamic God. Kjeilen writes that sources outside the Koran tell many stories about Abraham, one of which includes his circumcision. This is not nearly as significant as it is in the Hebrew texts. Thus, both religions use the hero of Abraham to evoke their missions. The Biblical Abraham makes a compact with the Jewish God and resigns himself to Judaism. In Islam, however, Abraham is a hero in that he is a prophet, spreading the Islamic message to those who have not heard. orks Cited Brians, Paul. Department of English. Kjeilen, Tore. Works Cited Brians, Paul.

This ritual takes place on the eighth day after birth and the ceremony itself involves both religious and surgical elements and may be performed by a surgeon of a specially-trained Mohel who has both surgical and religious knowledge. After the circumcision is performed, a festive meal almost always follows as a symbol of thanks to God and to the prophet Abraham. One of the most complicated religious rituals of Judaism is the ar Mitzvah for boys and less frequently, the at Mitzvah for girls. These words mean "the son or the daughter of the commandment and mark the coming of age of a male or female child" Harvey, who is then seen as an adult and is responsible for observing the commandments set down by Moses and to fill adult roles in the congregation of the synagogue.

This ritual traditionally occurs on the Sabbath following the child's thirteenth birthday…. Bibliography Grissom, Harold J. April : Hall, Manley P. The Psychology of Religious Ritual. Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, Harvey, Graham. Ritual and Religious Belief. UK: Equinox Publishing, Ltd. He notes that many of the young men who were in rehabilitation with him returned to fighting, but he managed to escape and finally come to America, where he went to school and finally wrote about his experience. During his rehabilitation, the people working with him would tell him what happened was not his fault. One social worker said, "None of what happened was your fault. You were just a little boy, and anytime you want to tell me anything, I am here to listen" Beah Her encouragement helped him overcome his fears and his self-recrimination, and helped him move along the road to true rehabilitation.

ehabilitation takes time and patience, and this woman, "Nurse Esther," had both. She is largely responsible that Beah was able to assimilate back into society and live a normal life. She helped him realize that he could not feel guilty about what had…. References Beah, Ishmael. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, One cannot help but see the foreshadowing of Jesus' birth in Ruth's determination to travel to Bethlehem, upon the conviction that it will be blessed by the Lord. Like Ruth's tale, the story of Esther tells of a woman's strength, conviction, and loyalty to the Jews.

Esther's husband Ahasuerus is tangentially involved in a plot to kill the Jews, mirroring the Roman persecution of Jews during Jesus' time. Ruth risks her own life to rescue the Jews, while Mary gives her son for the protection of the Jews. The paper will investigate the significant contrast between the story of Esther and the story of Mary; Esther's protection of the Jews results in the death of thousands of Gentiles, while Mary helps bring a message of peace. The stories also both involve rulers attempting to kill Jews. The dissertation will also compare Mary to Rebecca. One of Rebecca's remarkable features is…. The break between the hiis those who considered Ali to be legitimate ruler of the nation and the unnis those who revered Muhammad and all four rashidun occurred during this period.

Mystic Islam best known as ufism , or esoteric groups were born during this period as well as Muslim philosophy. The key difference between unnis and hiites is that unnis believe that the first four caliphs were rightful successors to Mohamed and that caliphs should be chosen by the whole community. The alafi sect otherwise notoriously known as Wahabbissm is an extreme Islamic movement derived from unnism. hiites, on the other hand, believe in the…. Sources Armstrong, K. Islam: A Short History The Modern Library: UK. Brown, D. Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought Cambridge: Cambridge Univ,. Press Goldschmidt, A. Both faiths ascribe to a heaven and a hell, belief in angels and the devil. Moreover, Islam and Christianity teach against crimes against humanity to include violence, gambling, adultery, lying, theft and murder.

Both teach that children are to respect their parents and husbands and wives are to be respected. Both Islam and Christianity teach against same sex marriage, homosexuality, fornication, and vulgarism. Both teach of modesty in presentation to the rest of the world. Observation of societal laws is also important to believers in Islam and Christianity Asad Traditions Islam and Christianity both believe in zakat or charity; extending one's self to those less fortunate. Both traditions teach fasting as a way of getting closer to God as well as enhancing each individual's God like qualities.

Despite recent extremist practices by some Muslims, both Islam and Christianity are faiths based on a tradition of peace Asad References Asad, Talal. Formations of the secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. Balderdash and Piffie. One Sandwich short of a dog's dinner. Goddard, Hugh. Christian-Muslim Relations: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. International Journal for the study of the Christian church, 3. Lowenthal, Kate. The psychology of religion: a short introduction. In other case the motive was rooted first in ideological assumption -- and that assumption was that ASP superiority was a given. The issue of race and class finally came to a head as America continued its expansion westward.

But the issue was political as well: hat right did the Federal Government have over State Government to say whether slavery should be abolished? ho was really in power in America -- the States and local government -- or federal national government? The Civil ar, of course, answered the question brutally and bloodily in But racism and classism did not end. In fact, the problems of race and class would continue even after the war for as long as American policy was determined by ASP elitism. That policy has not changed to this day. In conclusion, issues of race and class were ingrained into the American fabric from the very…. Works Cited Horsman, Reginald. Race and Manifest Destiny: the Origins of American Racial Anglo- Saxonism.

Harvard University Press, Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths The book I chose to review is Abraham: a journey to the heart of three faiths by Bruce Feiler. Feiler is an interesting author for scholarly books, in that his work is not bound by traditional scholastic guidelines. ather than studying about something in an educational setting, Feiler immerses himself in an experience. He has written about religious and secular topics, but is best-known for his books on religious topics. Abraham is one of his most highly critically-acclaimed books and received an unusual amount of attention for a religious-based, non-fiction book.

Not only did it become a New York Times bestseller, but it was also featured on the cover of Time Magazine. References Feiler, B. Abraham: a journey to the heart of three faiths. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. Abraham showed that all things actually belong to God -- not to us. This lesson may be remembered by me when Providence deems that I should lose something I value. Whether it is a car that I have sunk lots of time and money into, or a friend that I have known and loved for a long time, or a job that I have always wanted -- when these things are taken away from me I can reflect that my forefather Abraham also had things taken away from him.

ut Abraham's example of perseverance is a great example of how I should act. Even after God told him that he demanded circumcision -- a sign of blood -- Abraham did not reverse his feelings toward God; instead, as though by shedding blood, he spiritually strengthened himself all the more. As William John Deane states, "It was shortly after the institution…. Bibliography Deane, William John. Abraham: His Life and Times. NY: Revell, New Revised Standard Version Bible. NY: HarperCollins, Genesis Genesis The Albeck edition includes an entire volume by Yellin detailing his eclectic method. Two institutes at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem have collected major oral archives which hold extensive recordings of Jews chanting the Mishnah using a variety of melodies and many different kinds of pronunciation.

These institutes are the Jewish Oral Traditions esearch Center and the National Voice Archives. Both the Mishnah and Talmud contain little serious biographical studies of the people discussed therein, and the same tractate will conflate the points-of-view of many different people. However, sketchy biographies of the Mishaic sages can often be constructed with historical detail from Talmudic and Midrashic sources. Many modern historical scholars have focused on the timing and the formation the Mishnah. A vital question is whether it is comprised of sources which date from its editor's lifetime, and to what extent is it comprised of earlier, or later sources.

Common questions…. References Fraade, S. The Early Rabbinic Sage. Perdue Eds. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. Goldenberg, R. The Sabbath-Law of Rabbi Meir. Missoula, Montana: Scholars Press. Neusner, J. Making the Classics in Judaism. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press. Porton, G. The Traditions of Rabbi Ishmael Vol. The Abrahamic Covenant: This too is an unconditional covenant characterized by: God gave to Abraham a promise of a great national which is inclusive of all the lines of Ishmael and Abraham's two other sons Isaac and enjamin. This is founding Genesis The Davidic Covenant: In this covenant God says "Thou has said, "I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant: "I will establish your descendants for ever and build your throne for all generations.

Bibliography Smith, Wm LLD A Dictionary of the Bible: Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, Natural History and Literature. Peloubet eds. Universal Book and Bible House Philadelphia. html The Holy Bible: King James Version The World Publishing Company: not dated Cleveland and New York. Smith, Wm LLD A Dictionary of the Bible: Comprising Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, Natural History and Literature. American Ethnic Literature Analyzing the Nature of American Ethnic Literature America has a distinct history: like ancient ome, its inhabitants have come from all over and few of them can truly say to be natives of the place.

This fact alone makes American Literature a compelling label: what makes American Literature American? As Morris Dickstein states, "When America was merely a remote province of world culture, its educated elites were Anglophile, Francophile, or broadly cosmopolitan. Education was grounded in classical learning, a respect for the ancients over the moderns, and a deeply ingrained respect for old Europe's artistic heritage" p. This type of background made American letters similar to European. Reference List African-American Literature. Introduction, pp. Asian-American Lliterature. Casey, J. Canon Issues and Class Contexts. Radical Teacher 86, pp. Dickstein, M. Going Native.

The American Scholar. The entire plot revolves around the relentless search for Raven who is on his way to "Camelot" i. e, Canada while his fellow fugitives, Stray Leechfield and 40's go to whatever lengths possible in order to find their own freedom. However, what Reed illustrates in the story is that one cannot so easily escape slavery because slavery exists everywhere and some forms are harder to escape than others, but some bring on slavery themselves. In Arthur Miller's play, Death of a Salesman, Willie Loman also believes in a sort of Camelot --…. There is a definite chance that both parties could resolve the prolonged conflict successfully if they find and act on ways to be in command of their shared lack of trust. On the other hand, if the conflict is seen in terms of a neoliberal point-of-view, Israel's military efficiency and powerfulness is a great threat for Israelis.

To cut a long story short, the main goal on which all the main five parties agree is the achievement of peace between Israelis and Palestinians but it is only possible if they give up their most preferred results; Israel giving up its favorite result of unrestricted occupation of Palestinian land and Palestine holding back its preferred outcome of unconditional withdrawal. The conflict could be resolved if both parties could also find some common solutions for complex and convoluted detachable issues including "the degree of sovereignty of a Palestinian state, the distribution of…. References Adler, E, ed. Israel in the World: Legitimacy and Exceptionalism. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon. Aronoff, M. Cross-Currents in Israeli Culture and Politics. New Jersey: Transaction, Inc.

Asa-El, a. Bard, M. One Thousand and One Facts Everyone Should Know About Israel. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Women in Judaism: An Evolving Role in Religion and Society Many laymen to Judaism look inward into the religion and view Jewish women as oppressed, their lives and choices dictated to them by the men who surround them. From rabbis to husbands to the ible itself, the belief has generally been that women have been essentially inferior to men since the dawn of the religion centuries ago. However, in taking a contemporary view toward women in Judaism, and in marking the significant strides that the sex has made throughout the centuries, one can immediately see that all it takes to understand the power and respect that Jewish women afford themselves is merely to take a closer look.

In viewing the changes and struggles that Jewish women have been through throughout the centuries as well as taking a strictly-religious view in understanding the way Jewish people view God to have made…. Bibliography Bernbaum, Tova. Fishelov, David. Roots of the Feeling of Moral Superiority in the U. The United States has been criticized in recent years for assuming an air of moral superiority and for trying to impose their opinions on the rest of the world. Even when the tragedy of September 11 happened, some countries were happy to see America suffer. hy would they hate us? Partly it might be because they envy the wealth and freedom that American citizens have. It is also because they think Americans believe they are always in the right, my country, right or wrong.

Did this attitude emerge with the founding fathers? e can see American attitudes to ourselves and also to other countries in non-fiction and fiction of the first two centuries, from the 's to the 's. In "Common Sense," , Thomas Paine declared "Neither can ye reconcile Britain and America The Almighty hath implanted in us these inextinguishable…. Works Cited The Norton Anthology of American Literature, vol. Nina Baym De Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. The terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by countries that are predominantly Islamic with the counter attacks coming from a well-armed. The Message of Ishmael Quinn gains a unique perspective on humanity through the main character of the novel, Ishmael.

Ishmael is a gorilla. And Ishmael is a teacher who communicates with humans telepathically. On the surface, this hardly seems to be a character who would appear in a serious book; more likely a children's story, a fable, or perhaps a bad science fiction novel. Yet Ishmael is none of these, and Ishmael is a strong character, with a powerful intellect and a serious purpose. The character. is abundant, we chop down rain forests, we kill our own kind, we steal, lie, and cheat, and the list could go on and on. Daniel Quinn believes that this destruction comes from something more extreme than just the notion to survive.

In his novel, Ishmael, Quinn believes that the problems facing humanity are do to man's knowledge of good and evil. Man's knowledge of good and evil gives us the power to rule the world any way we please. A God or Gods no longer have control. Once Adam, who represents. Metamorphosis of Ishmael in Moby Dick In Moby Dick by Herman Melville, Ishmael undergoes drastic changes in his personality and in the way he views life. Ishmael learns to accept people who are different and learns how to get along with people he never would of on land because of the way they look. On land, the world's affairs are important but by taking a voyage on the Pequod, Ishmael learns to block out the importance of these affairs and free himself from the restraints put on him by society.

Ishmael: Horrifying Among the people of your culture, which want to destroy the world? Which want to destroy it? As far as I know, no one specifically wants to destroy the world. And yet you do destroy it, each of you. Each of you contribute daily to the destruction of the world. This truth was stated by a gorilla named Ishmael who, through his experiences of being taken from the jungle, placed in a zoo in the 's, put in a menagerie, and bought by a private owner named Mr. Sokolow, had all. More importantly, Taker culture has never been able to understand the meaning of these stories. Had they written the stories, knowledge of good and evil would never have been penalized; it would have been considered man's birthright. Finally, the fact that agriculture is considered a curse suggests that the Takers would never have written this story.

Most cultural movements, like the revolutions of the s and s, are bound to fail because they operate within the thought prison of Taker culture, rather than seeking to dismantle the prison altogether. Most protesters glimpse a problem, but never identify exactly what they are rebelling against. Specifically, what protests would have to work against is the assumptions that man is the apex of evolution, and that the agricultural way of life is necessarily superior. In a sense, this is the main point of Ishmael - we must first have awareness of what is happening if we are to enact useful change.

And in this case, this requires relinquishing most of what we take for granted, rather than trying to change the system while under the sway of certain pernicious assumptions. What is the significance of the story that the narrator wrote in college, about Nazi Germany? In writing the story, the narrator was articulating his feeling that something was wrong with the planet. However, he also had to admit that he was unable to articulate the nature of that problem. Overall, the narrator's story serves as a metaphor for the problems that arise when no one knows exactly what is wrong. Like Ishmael indicates, this uncertainty is one of the most problematic aspects of Taker civilization, since it leads to problems like crime, greed, and insanity.

Much as German society might have been improved if its citizens were aware of what was happening under Hitler, our issues could be addressed if we become aware of the pernicious story being told by Mother Culture. Once Ishmael was re-named, his holistic self-view began his journey towards knowledge. By recognizing the importance of identity, he was beginning to understand the nature of mankind's captivity. Overall, the lesson is that individuals must realize that they can break the conformity engendered by Mother Culture's story. They can be "made whole" so long as they can break free of the thought prison, but that first requires an individual commitment towards knowledge and truth.

When Ishmael learned he was not a nameless gorilla but rather an individual with particular capabilities, he began to work towards helping society in his own way. This Latin phrase translates to "after this, therefore because of this," and is a logical fallacy. It states that a second event must have caused a first event simply because it came after it. By establishing the ability to grasp a fallacy as a "primitive" human quality, Ishmael suggests that falling prey to a fallacy is an important part of being human. We are all inclined towards contradictions, and must recognize this weakness if we are transcend it.

Humans are able to justify pernicious and harmful activity, which explains how Mother Culture has led us to hurt ourselves and our Earth. The implication is that we must recognizing this failing so that we can craft a better alternative and save the planet.

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